Selling Overseas? – Use this ‘Buy Australian’ Logo
No other Australian Made logo provides Australian producers and manufacturers with this degree of authenticity. Don’t wait for the Government to help you because they aren’t in a position to. The government can’t implement labeling laws that clearly identify foreign imports or manufactured components because they are signatories to international free trade agreements.
Buy Australia Logo
Australians Selling Overseas | We’re doing it ourselves!
In an increasingly foreign-dominated market place, we’ve created a practical system for selling overseas to help consumers identify products of Australian origin, instantly and reliably. Our system and suite of Trade Marks offers a unique opportunity for Australian businesses to promote their products in Australia and abroad.
Our aim is to proved a marketing advantage for Australian producers and manufacturers that overcomes the well known limitations of the government system.
Be proud of your Australian-made product.
Clearly display the degree of Australian inputs in a consistently and at a glance and satisfy an increasing consumer demand for greater transparency and accuracy in product label and ‘chain of custody’ reporting.
The best way to make a start is to call us for an informal chat. We’ll ask you some questions about your products and provide you with all of the tools needed to include the most appropriate mark on your product labels and marketing assets. If it’s now after hours, please use this form to request a callback and we’ll be in touch promptly.